Please Note
The organization known as Legacy is no longer functioning. All material on this site has been left on-line for historical purposes. There may be broken links.
Each bi-annual meeting of Legacy had produced Resolutions and Recommendations or Proposals.
(Cleveland, Ohio, May 11-13, 1973)
Resolutions and Proposals
- THE IMAGE OF SQUARE DANCING: A booklet should be produced to show non-dancers a true picture of our hobby; this booklet should be made available to all at a minimum cost at public libraries and other places where the public may see it.
- LEADERSHIP: There is a need for a study to identify the objectives of any square or round dance group. Different groups have different objectives. All groups should determine and identify what their objectives are. Only after such a study can the type of leadership required to meet this objective be determined.
- COMMUNICATIONS: Because the language of square dancing is not always understood by the non-dancing public, the activity must translate its message into the simplest and most visual methods possible. National and closed circuit education television should be explored as methods of presenting and, in some cases, teaching square dancing. Word of mouth remains the best method of "getting the word" from the dancers and leaders to non-dancers and new dancers.
- ECOLOGY: Caller-leadership training should emphasize that a major responsibility of the caller is a knowledge of the needs and ultimate satisfaction of the dancers. This involves being able to relate tactfully to the dancer's ability to enjoy square dancing at (for him) comfortable level. This same knowledge and responsibility is also shared by dancer leadership.
- HERITAGE: Because it appears vital that dancers, leaders, teachers and callers be aware of the heritage of square dancing, it is recommended that appropriate historical material be incorporated into any future square dance booklets and training manuals.
- THE BUSINESS SIDE OF SQUARE DANCING: Callers', teachers' and leaders' fees will be naturally dictated by the laws of supply and demand and will take into consideration the ability and personality of the individual.
- STANDARDIZATION: Standardization is required for the overall good of the activity. It is recommended that standardization be accomplished through a nationally-coordinated educational program of callers, teachers and leaders and that the results be published through a coordinated effort of the media.
- ETHICS AND ATTITUDES: Callers and dancer leaders should educate by example and instruct that appropriate square dance apparel should be worn at all public and open dances at all times. National and area publications should be alerted to the importance of publicizing this stand. All leaders and publications should educate the square dance world that for the best interests of the activity dancers should refrain from partaking of alcoholic beverages immediately before or during square dance events.
- ORGANIZATION:All levels of club organization must function on the premise that the dancer is the whole reason for the existence of the movement. The well-being of the dancer and his local club should be the major concern of all organizations who should ensure that his wants and needs are fulfilled.
- UNLIMITED HORIZONS: The heritage, history and background of the American Square Dance should be incorporated into all levels of leadership training with the object being that the more we know about the past, the better we can do today and the more effectively we can plan for the future.