Each bi-annual meeting of Legacy had produced Resolutions and Recommendations or Proposals.
(Milwaukee, WI, May, 1991)
Resolutions and Recommendations
- COMMUNITY DANCE PROGRAM: Whereas, Callerlab has recognized the need for and provided a framework for a Community Dance Program, and
Whereas, the Lloyd Shaw Foundation, other organizations and certain individuals, have recognized the need for leadership training, music sources and materials, and training aids, and Whereas, the establishment and growth of such a Community Dance Program is seen as a mutually beneficial companion to the current recreational square and round dance activity, and Whereas, communities and people everywhere could benefit from the establishment and widespread use of a
Community Dance Program,
Be it resolved that:
- LEGACY declares its strong support for the widespread establishment of a Community Dance Program as defined by Callerlab;
- LEGACY and its members will actively work with Callerlab, the LSF, and any other organizations to promote, perpetuate and provide for the healthy growth of a Community Dance Program.
- SQUARE DANCE ATTIRE: Whereas, the following are realities of square dancing in the 90's.
- The average dancer age is 57 and some women no longer feel comfortable in short skirts, full crinolines and ruffles
- Square dancing has image problems; our "traditional" modern square dance dress is not attractive to younger women, who favor longer, less full skirts.
- The general preference is for more comfort in recreation attire.
- The high costs of purchased clothing and the lack of time for sewing in the life of working women make it impractical for dancers to own many outfits in our traditional style.
- The Community Dance Program favors official acceptance of more casual, less expensive clothing.
Be it resolved that the dress code be updated to provide guidance and flexibility in the choice of dress and skirt style:
- That dancers, clubs, associations and dance suppliers be introduced to the concept of the Prairie Skirt as an officially approved alternative to traditional modern square dance dress,
- That dance suppliers be encouraged to lead the way by designing and producing longer styles that reflect our western heritage, while keeping pace with the preferences of the 90's,
- That the Prairie Skirt be considered as an approved alternative in demos designed to attract new dancers and for persons involved in the Community Dance Program and new dancer classes.
- That experienced dancers be made aware, through the usual channels of communication. that the Square Dance Dress Code is flexible, and that they have a choice.
- That everyone should wear name tags, especially leaders. (Added to original resolution and approved).
- RECRUITING FOR THE FUTURE: LEGACY affirmed three previous statements:
- LEGACY III, 1977: With an eye to the future, LEGACY supports working with all youth groups that wish to engage in S/D activities, and SID leaders should not only encourage but actively seek to assist these groups.
- LEGACY IV, 1979: The Board of Directors establish a standing education committee which should be charged with (but not limited to) the creation of the following: #5. School programs.
- LEGACY IV, 1979: LEGACY encourages Callerlab and Roundalab to become more actively involved in the development of suggested programs for the teaching of square dancing in schools.
The S/D Movement needs to be aware of our changing society and how we can adapt to fulfill the recreational square dance needs of potential dancers - particularly pre-teens, teens and young adults.
Serious consideration should be given to programs that allow for easy entry and limited learning with much variety. Activities that are family oriented could also lend themselves to single parents in the under-40 group.
With regard to recruiting younger dancers, we must be aware of-and try to overcome-the pre-conceived notion that square dancing is an old folks' activity. Toward this end, we encourage the inclusion of existing younger dancers in demonstrations, exhibitions and promotional materials.